Our Policy

Our Policy:-


” All Classes have to be completed within the stipulated period of one month, no remaining classes will be done in the next month”

​1. One time Admission Fees will be charged at the time of Admission.

​2. Tuition/Course fee is not refundable.

​3. Parents/Guardians are requested to take their wards after completion of Classes.

​4. Students should not loaf about in the campus after the completion of their respective classes.

​5. Students have to attain regular unit tests/Periodic tests conducted by the institute.

​6. Parents are requested to attain Parents/Teacher (PTM) after every one month (at the time of deposition of fees).

​7. Students have to attain a weekly/monthly tests and their marks will be sent to their parents cell phone.

​8. The management reserves the right to modify or alter the structure of any of the courses/fees in order to attain excellence.

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